Preamble of the Rwanda Burundi Jesuit Region’s Children and Vulnerable Adults Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Children and vulnerable adults protection policy prevents and responds to exploitation, neglect, abuse, and other forms of violence affecting these two categories of people. Through this policy, RWB (Jesuits in Rwanda-Burundi) Region seeks to enable the fulfillment of children and vulnerable adults’ rights to protection from all forms of abuse and violence within families, schools, institutions and communities.

Together with partners,

  • RWB Region supports prevention of exploitation, harmful traditional practices and violence against children in their family and community and restoration of children who have been abused, neglected or exploited.
  • Recognizing that a child occupies a unique and privileged position in society;
  • Considering that the promotion and protection of the rights and welfare of children and vulnerable adults implies the performance of every one’s duties;
  • Reaffirming adherence to the rights and wellbeing of the child as contained in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child and their protocols, and other conventions and instruments;
  • Acknowledging the measures that the Government of Rwanda and Burundi have taken including the incorporation of regional and international legal instruments pertaining to the rights of the child and protection against any form of abuse and violence into national laws;
  • Considering all measures and laws protecting vulnerable adults;

Jesuits in Rwanda-Burundi Region commit themselves to keeping children safe from possible abuse and violence, strengthening child protection programming, and partnering with child safe partners through various standards and ways outlined in this Policy, and the same applies for vulnerable adults.

The purpose of this Policy is to protect the Rwandan and Burundian children –especially those in RWB Region operations areas– from any form of abuse and violence and ensure that they enjoy fullness of life. This policy puts particular emphasis on children as a core part of the society but vulnerable adults will always be considered anywhere safeguarding matters.

This Policy is binding to all RWB Region staff, volunteers/interns, sponsors, donors, partners, Board/Advisory Council members, independent contractors and any other RWB Region affiliated people. They must acknowledge in writing receipt and understanding of the Policy.